1) Cosmopolitan
- Cosmo is the best selling monthly magazine in the US.
- 3 million US readers
- 100 million international readers
- 64 different international editions
- Both online and print versions available
- Cosmo would threaten my business because of it's size and readership not only in this country, but around the world. It is extremely well known, even to those who don't read it, and it is a pop culture icon. Also, readers are very loyal to the magazine and would be unlikely to switch loyalties to a different magazine.
- I will have to show how Well Now is better than Cosmo without actually saying anything bad about Cosmo.
2) Glamour
- 2.3 million US readers
- 16 international editions
- Both online and print versions available
- Glamour is competition because it focuses more on well being and long feature stories, and less on sex, just like Well Now would. Also, the average reader is between 18 and 49 which is a big gap, meaning that it caters to a lot of people.
- To be better than Glamour I will play up the well being and lifestyle aspect of Well Now without talking bad about Glamour.
3) Self
- 1.5 million US readers
- Both online and print versions
- Self is competition because it focuses on self-improvement and lifestyle, but it does so primarily through fitness. Well Now would be able to attract more readers because it focuses on self-improvement and lifestyle in a wider variety of ways, instead of mainly just fitness.
- Also, the average age of Self readers is 48 and Well Now would cater to a younger audience.
4) Women's Health
- 1.4 million US readers
- Both online and print versions
- Same notes that I wrote for Self
5) Vogue
- 1.3 million US readers
- Both online and print versions
- Vogue is competition because it is read by women in their twenties although people much older read it as well. The age of the average reader is 38.
- I could attract more readers because Vogue is a fashion magazine. Well Now would be more of a lifestyle magazine and wouldn't be so narrowly focused.
6) Teen Vogue
- 1 million US readers
- Both online and print versions
- Teen Vogue is bigger competition than Vogue because it is less fashion based and the average age of readers is 23, which is closer to the age of Well Now readers.
- I think Well Now can beat Teen Vogue for the same reasons as why it could beat Vogue though.
7) Allure
- 1.1 million US readers
- Both online and print versions
- Average age of readers: 35 years old
- Allure is competition because it is a popular women's magazine, but Well Now can do better because it will cater to a younger demographic. Also, Allure is a beauty magazine and Well Now is a lifestyle magazine.
8) Vanity Fair
- 1.1 million US readers
- Both online and print versions
- Average age of readers: 42 years old
- Vanity Fair is competition because it is a popular women's magazine.
- Well Now can do better because it caters to a younger audience and has a different focus.
Because there is so much competition, I will just list the rest instead of going into detail about each one.
9) Marie Claire
10) Elle
11) Redbook
12) InStyle
13) Lucky
14) O, The Oprah Magazine
15) Harper's Bazaar