Sunday, November 17, 2013

Analysis of Competition

Here is a list of potential competition facing Well Now Magazine.

1) Cosmopolitan
  • Cosmo is the best selling monthly magazine in the US.
  • 3 million US readers
  • 100 million international readers
  • 64 different international editions
  • Both online and print versions available
  • Cosmo would threaten my business because of it's size and readership not only in this country, but around the world. It is extremely well known, even to those who don't read it, and it is a pop culture icon. Also, readers are very loyal to the magazine and would be unlikely to switch loyalties to a different magazine.
  • I will have to show how Well Now is better than Cosmo without actually saying anything bad about Cosmo.

2) Glamour
  • 2.3 million US readers
  • 16 international editions
  • Both online and print versions available
  • Glamour is competition because it focuses more on well being and long feature stories, and less on sex, just like Well Now would. Also, the average reader is between 18 and 49 which is a big gap, meaning that it caters to a lot of people.
  • To be better than Glamour I will play up the well being and lifestyle aspect of Well Now without talking bad about Glamour.

3) Self
  • 1.5 million US readers
  • Both online and print versions
  • Self is competition because it focuses on self-improvement and lifestyle, but it does so primarily through fitness. Well Now would be able to attract more readers because it focuses on self-improvement and lifestyle in a wider variety of ways, instead of mainly just fitness. 
  • Also, the average age of Self readers is 48 and Well Now would cater to a younger audience.

4) Women's Health
  • 1.4 million US readers
  • Both online and print versions
  • Same notes that I wrote for Self

5) Vogue
  • 1.3 million US readers
  • Both online and print versions
  • Vogue is competition because it is read by women in their twenties although people much older read it as well. The age of the average reader is 38. 
  • I could attract more readers because Vogue is a fashion magazine. Well Now would be more of a lifestyle magazine and wouldn't be so narrowly focused.

6) Teen Vogue
  • 1 million US readers
  • Both online and print versions
  • Teen Vogue is bigger competition than Vogue because it is less fashion based and the average age of readers is 23, which is closer to the age of Well Now readers.
  • I think Well Now can beat Teen Vogue for the same reasons as why it could beat Vogue though.

7) Allure
  • 1.1 million US readers
  • Both online and print versions
  • Average age of readers: 35 years old
  • Allure is competition because it is a popular women's magazine, but Well Now can do better because it will cater to a younger demographic. Also, Allure is a beauty magazine and Well Now is a lifestyle magazine.

8) Vanity Fair
  • 1.1 million US readers
  • Both online and print versions
  • Average age of readers: 42 years old
  • Vanity Fair is competition because it is a popular women's magazine.
  • Well Now can do better because it caters to a younger audience and has a different focus.

Because there is so much competition, I will just list the rest instead of going into detail about each one.

9) Marie Claire
10) Elle
11) Redbook
12) InStyle
13) Lucky
14) O, The Oprah Magazine
15) Harper's Bazaar

In Depth Market Research

This list takes a more in depth look at factors to consider when doing market research for Well Now magazine.

1) Age of potential readers
  • Well Now will cater to young women in college and in their twenties, making the age range between 18 and 29. According to SHP Magazines, 56% of Cosmopolitan readers are between the ages of 24 and 35. I predict that Well Now can also cater to women in their thirties, although the main focus will be on women in their twenties (as well as late teens).
2) How many women in the US are in this age range
  • According to the 2010 census, the US population was more than 308 million with women making up 50.8% (158 million) of this population. For the age range of potential readers (ages 18-34) they made up about 22.6% (35.7 million) of the US population of women.
3) Some of the biggest issues affecting readers
  • According to SHP Magazines, the biggest concerns for Cosmo readers are self-improvement and lifestyle (which would be the main focus of Well Now), and money, finance, and careers. also sited finances and careers as top concerns for women in their twenties.
4) How many online women's magazines charge for content
  • Most don't charge at all, but they also don't put same articles on website that they put online. They have different content online. Some stories overlap though. On Vogue's website they use the same stories but they have pay walls for longer, feature stories.
5) Incomes of readers
  • According to SHP Magazines, the average Cosmo reader makes between $2,500 - $5,000 a month. According to a website called Family In Equality, women between ages 22 and 30 make an average of $32,000 a year. They gathered this information from The women in college though I will assume (as well as speak from personal experience and observation) that they make much less money.

Market Research

When doing market research for Well Now magazine, there are many factors to consider. Although it will be an online magazine at first, it would eventually become a print magazine as well so I included factors for both. For this post I will list out some things to consider when doing market research and in the next post I will dive deeper into five of these factors.

Elements of Market Research for Well Now:
  1. Age of potential readers
  2. How many in this age range
  3. How many read online magazines
  4. Some of the biggest issues facing these readers
  5. Geographic region of readers
  6. Occupations of potential readers
  7. Incomes of readers
  8. How many online women's magazines charge for content
  9. How much do they charge
  10. How much these magazines charge for print subscriptions
  11. How many readers have subscriptions

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thoughts on John Christie Visit

I think that John Christie and his wife are doing a great thing by running Pine Tree Watchdog and it's awesome to see people caring about investigative reporting. Although I haven't had a lot of personal experience with it, I love investigative reporting and want to do more of it. The biggest investigative piece I've done was my article for TNH, Students by Day, Strippers by Night about student strippers at UNH. I think those pieces are worth so much more than everyday news stories (not that those aren't important). What I really admired about John is that he is willing to sacrifice relationships for journalism. He lost board members because of stories that he wrote. I like that he understands the importance of telling stories and that he doesn't shy away because of how it affects people he knows. He seemed very fearless and I liked that. With my stripper story it was actually removed from TNH's website because it negatively the girls in the article and that made me angry. The point of journalism isn't to protect people and hide their stories. Those girls agreed to talk to me and have their stories published. The fact that TNH removed the stories to protect them was upsetting and went against the point of investigative journalism. I think that if that story had been on John Christie's site and the decision had been his, he would have left it up. I admire that fearlessness and ability to stand his ground. It's a good quality to have as a journalist because it's important to be strong and resilient when telling difficult stories. I'm glad that John Christie came and talked to us and let us know that it's ok to write stories that are harder to cover.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Entrepreneurial Advice From Former Cosmo Editor

Today I was scrolling through Twitter when I saw a link retweeted by Kate White. Kate White is the former editor-in-chief- of Cosmopolitan she is amazing with career advice. She has few career books out and her twitter is full of advice and tips that she tweets out. The link that she was retweeted was to an article she had written for and it was a list of steps to take when bringing an idea to life. The focus was mainly on entrepreneurial ideas, but could be applied to smaller ideas as well. I think this is a really great list for anyone going into entrepreneurial journalism and I especially liked it because it's coming from someone in the magazine world, which is where I want to be.

Some of the things she talked about in her list are the same things we've done in class so far. Step one is  to "Play Shark Tank With Your Concept," which we did by pitching our ideas to the class. Step two is to get feedback, which we did with our blogs, as well as in class after the presentations. I really like her step called "Slice the Salami" which is about taking little steps to achieve the overall big idea. It's true that you can't just jump right in and go for everything at once, so I like that she talked about breaking it down. I also like her step called "Let it Go" about how you can't keep planning forever and how you actually have to start. Kate White said that most people try to get their idea perfect before showing anyone or starting with it, but that after a certain point you just have to do it. I've found myself doing this, whether it's with ideas for a new blog site or an idea for a book I want to write. I do it all in my head, trying to get it all perfect, when really I should just start it and I'll make a lot more progress.

Overall, I think this is a great advice list that could be helpful to anyone in class, as well as any entrepreneur in general.

Questions for John Christie

  • Of all the positions, you've held (writer, editor, publisher, entrepreneur) which has been your favorite and why?
  • Why did you decide to create Pine Tree Watchdog?
  • What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
  • What has been the most rewarding part?
  • Did you ever imagine that you would an entrepreneur with your own news outlet?
  • What is the best advice you have received throughout your whole career as a journalist?
  • How do you balance your time being an entrepreneur with family and social life?
  • If you could start Pine Tree Watchdog over from the beginning, what would you do differently?

Thoughts on Pine Tree Watchdog

My first impression of Pine Tree Watchdog's website is that it looks very professional and clean. It looks like a reputable news source that it is well organized and user friendly. I'm not sure how much I like the name of the site though. It sounds threatening and like it's some sort of organization looking to take down the government or something. I know that it's their mission to provide honest reporting, but at the same time it seems a little bit intense. That's just me though.

I think that the stories are good and that they all live up to the vision/mission statements. I also like the different tabs along the top of the page because they are very specific to this site, instead of just a general news site. The only thing that bothers me is that they don't post a lot of new stories. It seems like they don't post new content that often. I think to be more reputable, the site needs more stories and more often. I know they can't control when things happen but they should fill the time gaps a little better. If a site doesn't post often, I get the impression that they don't care.

I like the photos that they use on this site. This really stood out to me in John Christie's big story about Paul Lepage. I liked the big photo across the top and then the smaller pictures throughout with the bolded quotes. This format was very eye-catching. It'd be cool if they incorporated other types of digital media as well.

Overall, I think the site is good and the mission behind it is clear.