Sunday, November 3, 2013

Reactions to PowerPoint Pitches III

5) News in Comics

  • Overall first impression: It is eye-catching and it is obvious that the pitcher is confident in the company.
  • Ideas for improvement: Make sure to title each slide. Most had titles, but a few didn't.
  • Maybe use fewer graphics and pictures. Some slides were a little over powering. Or maybe just make them a little smaller. On a few slides the pictures took up a lot of room. For example, I think slide 9 is done well, slide 8 has too many pictures, and on slide 7 the pictures are too big.
  • Make the text a little bigger so it's more of the main focus and so it's easier to read.
  • Use bullet points.
  • Add name and contact info to the first slide.
  • Add a slide that talks about who the team for this company will be. For example, drawers, writers, editors, etc.
  • What I liked about it: I like that actually numbers are used and that there is a graph. It makes it more realistic.
  • The organization of slide 6 is done really well.
  • I like the theme of the PowerPoint and how the yellow line is consistent on each slide.
  • I like the comments from the audience/potential readers. It works as evidence that this is a good idea. 
6) Unblocked Writers
  • Overall first impression: It is a visually pleasing PowerPoint but it needs more explanation.
  • Ideas for improvement: I know that all of the explanation is in the notes part of the slides, but if the pitch was being presented, people wouldn't see that part. I know that it would be spoken if the presentation was being presented, but I think there should still be a little more text on the slides.
  • As it said in "The Art of Pitching," use a dark background and light text.
  • Explain in the slides (not just the notes) how the company helps with writer's block.
  • What I liked about it: I love the idea! I could definitely see writer's using this site.
  • I think each slide gives good information and adds great value to the overall slide.
7) See the News
  • Overall first impression: It is very clean and professional looking. There is also a lot of good information.
  • Ideas for improvement: I would say to use a little less text, but the thing is, it's all good and relevant information. 
  • The name of the company sounds more like a mantra than a name, but it makes sense as a title too. I think just because it's a statement it sounds like a manta more than a title.
  • On slide five the word "highlights" is spelled wrong.
  • What I liked about it: I really like everything about this PowerPoint. Every slide is relevant and has good information.
  • Explanations are thorough and clear.
  • It is an overall good looking PowerPoint and I like simplicity of it. It makes it so the content is more important than the looks of the slides which is important.
  • I like that the titles of each slide are in a different font because it's eye catching and draws attention to what the slide is about.
  • Overall I really like the PowerPoint and the business idea. I could see people using this site and buying the book.
8) The 'New s'tand
  • Overall first impression: The PowerPoint is visually pleasing but at first it was hard to tell what exactly the company is.
  • Ideas for improvement: State what the company is/does on the second slide. Let the viewer of the presentation know right away.
  • I really like the theme/colors of the presentation, but in "The Art of Pitching" it says to use a dark background and light text because it looks more professional.
  • The title of the company is a little confusing. The apostrophes are placed strangely. I'm not sure if it's pronounced "the news stand" or "the new stand." I'm guessing it's the first one so maybe call the company "The Newstand" and make it one word instead of two.
  • There is a lot of text. Use bullet points to break it up and write shorter, more concise sentences.
  • What I liked about it: The PowerPoint covered a lot of areas and gave a lot of good information.
  • I like that there is visual marketing strategy page. It makes it easy to follow.
  • I like the visual on page six.
  • Overall I think it's a really good idea and I could see it becoming popular.

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