Monday, November 4, 2013

The Class's Reaction to My Pitch

Well, seeing as I wasn't able to get my PowerPoint into Dropbox until yesterday, only two people commented on it. I had already put my pitch into two previous Dropbox folders (EJ Pitches fall 2013 and EJ Pitches fall 2013 (1)) and they showed up in both of those so I'm not sure why no one else could see it until it was in EJ Pitches fall 2013 (2). Anyways, Allie and Emily commented on my pitch and both of them were positive with only a couple ideas for improvement.

Allie said that I should expand on how Well Now is different from the competition, specifically Self magazine. I was planning on going into that more if I were to actually pitch it (which we now are), but basically my magazine encompasses more aspects of well being. Self is more focused on physical fitness, where my magazine will focus on emotional and mental well being as well.

Emily suggested that I should partner with a local health food store to promote my magazine. I think this could be interesting, but I wouldn't really want to partner with them. It might be interesting to hold some of my conferences at places like this (as well as places like yoga studios) though for when I'm first starting out and can't afford a bigger place. Maybe there could be a deal where I offer them discounted advertising for the use of their space when holding a conference. This would give them advertising and it would bring people right into their business for the conference.

I wish I had gotten more feedback before the presentation today, but I guess I'll just have to see what the class thinks when they see it today.

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