Joe Burke's visit was a lot more intense than I thought it was going to be. I know that we were kind of warned, but it still took me by surprise. I think it might have been a little too intense though. I think he may have overestimated how much we would be able to grasp. I would have preferred to go cover less material but in more detail. It was just a lot to take in, especially for a class where most of us are not good with math or numbers. Half the time I had no idea what he was talking about at all. I know that we all read the homework on the accounting website, but this was a little over my head. By the end of it I decided that one day when I do have enough money to be a successful person, I'm going to be hiring someone to do all of the math and spreadsheets for me.
On the other hand though, I think Joe was very smart and knew so much about business, accounting, and numbers. It was very impressive to hear him talk. I wish I had been able to follow him though. It was clear that he knew exactly what he was talking about the whole time and that he obviously knows so much more as well. I just wish that he had been able to communicate the information to us in a simpler way. I know that's not his fault though because it's probably not how he's used to talking about it. It just would have been nice if he had broken it down a little or gone a little slower.
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